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Art Show: Flower of the Month: Pansies & Violas

Pansy Smootchie

by Shelly Bedsaul

Banner for Flower of the Month: Pansies & Violas art show

Art: Pansy Smootchie by Artist Shelly Bedsaul
Flowers and smootch are always good. I did this for the purpose of planning another project, but the doodle demanded completion. In Victorian times, flowers were given meanings. A bouquet was filled with wordless messages. The pansy was for "loving thoughts". My technique, though time consuming, is simple. I start with a preliminary sketch in graphite. When my design is satisfactory, I ink the sketch, using a black, 05, pigma micron pen. I use Prismacolor pencils. Each area is a layering of about 5 different colors, going from dark to light, until the paper is totally burnished. Once the coloring is complete, I re-ink to make the line work a true black. It is then sprayed with workable fixatif to seal, protect and prevent wax bloom


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