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Art Show: Flower of the Month: Pansies & Violas

Pansy Sisters

by Sara Burrier

Banner for Flower of the Month: Pansies & Violas art show

Art: Pansy Sisters by Artist Sara Burrier
I've been on a roll with flower fairies as of late. This is the latest edition, inspired by the the show including pansies. I was aiming for more action in this piece...something I'm trying to push myself with in my work. They're not posed or aware that they're being photographed. I like the narrative effect this gives. The background was a bit challenging because I felt it made the piece too busy, too much movement and not enough focus on the fairies, which tends to be a habit for my work. But now when I look at it I find it engaging and full. Interestingly enough the focus isn't really the fairies, and I think that was what I wanted in the first hand just fought it a bit. I love Cicely Mary Baker's work, along with James Browne. They find a way to take that moment in the lives of the fairies and put it down on paper. I'm looking to do more of that in my work. A challenge and adventure to paint. A great recipe for a great piece of art. :)


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