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Art Show: Flower of the Month: Orchids '10

Cattleya Orchid

by Ulrike 'Ricky' Martin

Banner for Flower of the Month: Orchids '10 art show

Art: Cattleya Orchid by Artist Ulrike 'Ricky' Martin
As usual, I underestimated the time I needed to work this close up of a Cattleya Orchid in colored pencil.
I managed it with just hours to spare for entry in this show!
Like all the other orchids I entered in this show, this one is home grown as well.
I am lucky to live in SW Florida, where I have about 30 Orchids thriving in my garden.
There are some in bloom at all times, and they give great joy!

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Cattleya Orchid


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