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Art Show: Flower of the Month: Medicinal Plants

Dog Rose Monarch Fairy

by Hiroko Reaney

Banner for Flower of the Month: Medicinal Plants art show

Art: Dog Rose Monarch Fairy by Artist Hiroko Reaney
Original ACEO by Hiroko Reaney. The Dog Rose is not the most well-known medicinal plant, but it may be one of the most important. The rose hips produced are used for a vitamin C suplement and vitamin C is very vital to our life! In fact, these pretty little jewels may have saved an entire country when in World War 2, Great Britain was unable to import citrus fruits so they processed rose hips into a syrup rich in vitamin C. I added a butterfly fairy because I'm a Fantasy Artist and thought it would add more character to the piece. The beautiful monarch is common in the Northeast, where the dog rose is found. This is a very tiny painting! It is part of my Fairy ACEO series. Please see the close-ups to see how much detail is in this work. It's very pretty to view and all done by free-hand, no masking tape. ACEO stands for Art Cards Editions and Originals. The standard size is 2.5 by 3.5 inches. They are made by various artists and can be any media. ACEO's can be displayed in a frame or collected in a book. It is a growing trend on ebay. Type 'ACEO' in the search box to see all the great art. I list new pieces as they are completed so please check for new listings daily. Thank you for viewing!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Dog Rose Monarch Fairy

Detail Image for art Dog Rose Monarch Fairy

Detail Image for art Dog Rose Monarch Fairy


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