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Art Show: Flower of the Month: Magnolia

Magnificent HIndenburg Magnolia

by Deanne Flouton

Banner for Flower of the Month: Magnolia art show

Art: Magnificent HIndenburg Magnolia by Artist Deanne Flouton
When I first photographed this magnolia bud, a light bulb went on as it reminded me of the Hindenburg dirigible disaster on May 6, 1937 at the Lakehurst Naval Air Station in New Jersey. The more I worked on the image, the more I associated it with the air disaster. Upon researching the original image, taken by a U.S. sailor or federal employee, I realized that my image turned out to be one of those "happy creative accidents", even to the point of the angle and composition which had intuitively evolved during the photographing process. When comparing my original photo (and I took only one shot of this particular bud!) I realized the analogy was perfect. This magnolia uncannily and bizarrely commemorates the 70th anniversary of the appalling event. The original disaster image, which is in the public domain, is posted here for reference along with another version of the magnolia bud.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Magnificent HIndenburg Magnolia

Original disaster photo taken in 1937.

Detail Image for art Magnificent HIndenburg Magnolia

Version 2


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