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Art Show: Flower of the Month: Lillies

Emerging Life (Lily)

by Helen Alforque Alfeche a.AlfecHelen.A

Banner for Flower of the Month: Lillies art show

Art: Emerging Life (Lily) by Artist Helen Alforque Alfeche a.AlfecHelen.A
original art work by alfechelena
hand painted oil painting

I love lilies in such a way we can relate all the beauties surrounds us. We all see the budding life or flowers in full bloom. However, this is how I see lilies I called the emerging life of lily. Somehow all living things have its own survival journey before they all came to life to witness the sunrise to breathe the fresh air. Our innocence slowly breaking as we explore and exposed to the world we called life.

Like lilies. Like life. All are flowers bringing beauties in all the earth.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Emerging Life (Lily)

Detail Image for art Emerging Life (Lily)


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