"Michigan Maple Leaves in the Fall" digital photo 457 x 342 pix.
Fall color in Michigan is amazing. You want to reach out and grab that color and never let it go - brilliant reds, gorgeous sun-soaked yellow, every shade of brown and gold you can imagine, along with bright orange and velvet blacks. A secret that we know in our piney almost-an-island state is that our maple trees yellow leaves glow at night in the fall. It's true. Come on up and stand under a big maple tree and see it for yourself. That color is what sustains we hardy Michigan souls through the monochromatic winters where all we see are shades of blue and gray and black and white (not such a bad thing, eh?).
This simple shot took a lot of patience and timing. I had to wait for a sunlit slightly-overcast day when the maple leaves had freshly fallen but were still slightly damp. The damp isn't rare here, but the right sunlight is. It was taken with a Nikon Coolpix 995 digital camera.
copyright 2007
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