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Art Show: Flower of the Month: Fall Foliage

Leaves in the Wind


Banner for Flower of the Month: Fall Foliage art show

Art: Leaves in the Wind by Artist
I discovered the art of leaf printing when I visited the San Francisco botanical garden in 1982 and have experimented with it off and on ever since. In the last few years I have experimented using leaf prints of plants in my yard. I start with a watercolor wash and watercolor splatter on paper or watercolor stretch canvas. Then, I use a dark printer's ink to make a print of the leaves and border or background designs. I use watercolor pencils to color in the leaves and the background or border design. Then I finish off the painting by adding designs in acrylic and outlining the designs with black, white, and purple acrylic paints.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Leaves in the Wind

Leaves in the Wind detail 1


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