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Art Show: Flower of the Month: Fall Foliage

"First Fall Ivy Leaf"

by Ann Murray

Banner for Flower of the Month: Fall Foliage art show

Art: First Fall Ivy Leaf by Artist Ann Murray
"First Fall Ivy Leaf" digital photo 457 x 342 pix.

Fall color such in Michigan is amazing. You want to reach out and grab that color and never let it go - brilliant reds, gorgeous sun-soaked yellow, every shade of brown and gold you can imagine, along with bright orange and velvet blacks.

This striking photo is of the very first leaf on my huge ivy plant to turn yellow. The contrast of the deep greenish teal leaves against the sun-soaked brilliant yellow is beautiful. It was taken in the microcosmic universe of my Michigan backyard :)

This type of fall color is what sustains we hardy Michigan souls through the monochromatic winters where all we see are shades of blue and gray and black and white (not such a bad thing, eh?).

This shot was taken with a Nikon Coolpix 995 digital camera.

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