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Art Show: Flower of the Month: Clematis

Joe's Clematis

by Alma Lee

Banner for Flower of the Month: Clematis art show

Art: Joe's Clematis by Artist Alma Lee

I love the Clematis flower of course it is a beautiful flower that is a given but for me personally it represents victory and vindication.  My father tried for years to grow a clematis, any clematis as he planted several varieties.  He did this for years and to no avail.  The year he died, my Mother let the garden go, and paid little attention to Dad various vegetation "experiments"  later that year we took a walk back there just to clear out some of the overgrowth and there a small garden shed, was literally buried in the climbing clematis.  It was a wonderful surprise and now a treasured memory.

Clematis was created in Art Rage,Artmatic 5 and CS6. It is a combination of several digital illustrations, and a fractal.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Joe's Clematis

clematis painting cup 1.jpg

Detail Image for art Joe's Clematis

clematis painting cup2.jpg

Detail Image for art Joe's Clematis

clematis painting cup3.jpg


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