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Art Show: Flower of the Month: Black-Eyed Susan


by Blenda Tyvoll

Banner for Flower of the Month: Black-Eyed Susan art show

Art: Enlightenment by Artist Blenda Tyvoll
Painted with acrylic paints on a square canvas, my goal for this piece was find a simple yet expessive way to feature the Black Eyed Susan bouquet. So I borrowed Matise's style of flattening space and objects, then used pattern to add interest within the shapes. I also relied on the use of the complementary color purple, which was placed surrounding my focal point, the flowers. The result is a bright, lively composition full of interesting color and pattern, featuring beautiful Black Eyed Susans. The title "Enlightenment" seemed fitting for a painting about Black Eyed Susans. For me seeing the delicate bloom of a flower connects me with my true nature beyond name and form.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Enlightenment


Detail Image for art Enlightenment

Room view may not be to scale


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