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Art Show: Epic: Classic Themes in Contemporary Art

Pope Week 2005

by Windi Rosson

Banner for Epic: Classic Themes in Contemporary Art art show

Art: Pope Week 2005 by Artist Windi Rosson
Our society has been, and still is disturbingly dependent commercialism. Marketing, advertising and merchandising have their stronghold on our pocket books. From old time carnival barkers to the buy one get one free coupons we receive via email. “High moral standards” and “Good values” have recently become buzz words and popular catchphrases. Ads in local newspapers preach a good value and fair practice from grocery stores to plumbing repairmen. Mega corporations are now expressing their desire to change and set higher moral standards for the small communities they have engulfed. Can we believe it? Or is it just one more scheme to convince us to part with our money? Once upon a time high ranking religious figures graced frescos, and thousands of paintings, carvings and statues were created to show how history developed. The importance of what these paintings portrayed and how they were interpreted are still held in high regards today. They taught us something with out the hullabaloo of commercialism or merchandising rights. Imagine the Vatican, in all its regale morality, and sacred values. Falling privy to modern day commercialization. My painting depicts a pope like figure, placed amongst modern day commercialism. He is to act regal, and attend the needs of the masses with wisdom and perseverance. He is trying to uphold that majestic belief system, millions have depended on, and portrayed. He is trying, his best to ignore the call of the All Mighty merchandising God.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Pope Week 2005


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