A Mandala of sorts. Photocollage created in Photoshop 7 and Photoshop Elements 2.0
Resources used include custom brushes created from the medical illustrations of Gray's Anatomy.
A mathematical formulae used in factoring a Fibonnacci sequence.
A William Morris tapestry.
A photograph of my garden from an old residence.
Another photograph of Madonna performing onstage during her "Drown" world tour.
A completely abstracted/blurred scan of a William Morris Hunt painting. A favorite artist, who helped establish the romantic aesthetic of the Barbizon school in America.
Dover Publishing disc for royalty free stocks which are the ornate stems that descend from the body of the piece.
Text brushes and additional texture brushes used with permission from scully7491 at deviantart.com
Additional textures, borders and ephemera are my own and done by hand.
I often use the most technical of tools, yet my head is often centuries away, contemplating images created in, or of the past. Much of my work seems to stradle this line, reflecting the past while envisioning the future. My main concern is always emotion and it's response. How nature, technology and the creative human spirit can coalesce to create the spiritual.
As time is the sepent that eats it's own tail, this is a meditation on the fusion of future and past, created now, to punctuate this moment.
"I was young when the sun was formed, and I shall be young when the moon falls dead in the arms of her daughter the earth"
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