The original image for this piece was captured at a local carnival using a Digital Canon 10D. Then by mirroring the original image using Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8 and Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0, I then spent an evening cropping both images until I could achieve a seamless union of the two. The partial Lunar eclipse in the background was then added to the upper left, while the colors where saturated and any unwanted background lights where removed.
The end result "the Mother ship", although she seems to have a woebegone expression on her face... maybe she's just lonely, being so far from home? In the future with all our advanced technology and the ability to leave Mother Earth behind and travel the vastness of Space, will the end result de-humanize us forever or bring on the realization that the human condition is just that, a need for Human contact?
Detail Image

original image before Paint Shop 8
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