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Art Show: Meet the Jetsons: A Digital Imagining of the Late 21st Century

Image-Sound-Image #03

by Peter B Snyder

Banner for Meet the Jetsons: A Digital Imagining of the Late 21st Century art show

Art: Image-Sound-Image #03 by Artist Peter B Snyder
A simple painting of a triangle is scanned into the computer. The scanned image is processed through a visual synthesizer which translates the visual data into sound data. The sound is then run through a spectrogram and the original image is extracted, passed through sound and brought back to our eye.

This is one of the first of a series of projects involving relationships between visual and aural media.

I have enjoyed interacting with digital tools. I don't see that they are here to replace the brush and the pigments. I believe that evolving technology will bring artists tools to further explore their creative condition and open doors to new expressive possibilities.


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