Painted a watercolour of some retro chairs, then imported into photo software, and done various stuff to it.
Can you tell this is my first digital artwork ?
Is it digital art ? I honestly havent figured that out yet, but got to start somewhere when trying new things.
You decide methinks. I did have fun creating it.
Oh, its aliens on a shopping spree in a storm of horizontal rain. I think the future beholds an age of aliens in the high streets and avenues of the world. And they will need to buy stuff. And they will buy loads, because its stuff they cant get at home. Also inevitable that raindrops will tip sideways. And stay that way until the snow turns a dark shade of purple, a few eons later ... eh, just before the moon turns inside out and exposes its crust of applejuice, which is close to the age where green sweet potato bushes rule the world. And I havent had a drink. Just wait til I do...
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