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Art Show: Meet the Jetsons: A Digital Imagining of the Late 21st Century

-The Woman The Glory of Creation-

by Helen Alforque Alfeche a.AlfecHelen.A

Banner for Meet the Jetsons: A Digital Imagining of the Late 21st Century art show

Art: -The Woman The Glory of Creation- by Artist Helen Alforque Alfeche a.AlfecHelen.A
art by alfechelena 770400397

The world is moving too fast, technologies arising, the influence becomes more vivid. Yet, I have one question in my mind would one remember The Woman, The Glory of Creation, the root of us all.

The world of a simple woman changes into full time motherhood in marriage and in love. Her duties mold her to be more profound in all aspect of her life. Her emotions are the emotions of the one she loves. Hope she won’t forget that she is always loved and that she will remember to love herself.

I am a daughter in love with my ma. Someday I will become a mother and only hope to do my duty gracefully.


A dedication to all mothers and especially to my dear mama whos love can match no other. I love you mama and through all the life that we have been thru I will remain in love with you. You are my greatest love the fountain of my strength. My precious best friend.

Thank you for binding us. You must know that your four children loves you very much. You are our happiness and joy. Though I live from a distant land your love always bring me home and when I think of your smile my sadness fades away. I fell blessed every time I lay myself in your arms feeling your sweet caress.

I dont mind making 3 hours or 4 on overseas phone calls all I need to know that you are okay and papa loves you, so as brother Richard & Jewanteddy.

Helen & Charity

art piece reviews :

Outstanding piece Helen, this is a masterpiece. A+

Very interesting indeed! touching. the colors r beautiful n transparent like an aura of a spiritual body, something I have never seen b4, love the creativity n the emotion that went into this piece. U have such xray eyes!

beautiful image

A very complex, detailed, suggestive image.

Helen this is fabulous! thank you for this dedication to mom's. In a time where mothers are blamed for everything thats wrong..thanks for giving credit to moms who do everything right! Wow I hope my children(4) say as nice things about me as you have to your mom. This is the first piece of Art that 10 just doesn't do justice..

Wow, what a very special piece. Very touching, well done!!!

Created from the back. So creative and unnerving to see the body inside and out.

Thanks Im a mom myself, I know what you mean. Love you tribute to motherhood and The Woman. And her ability to create life and love.

An amazing tribute to all women!! Beautiful rendering

no works could i add to this piece all have been said before me other than perfect Helen

The colors really bring this piece to life!

very powerful image Helen.

WOW, Helen I do believe you have the essence of the creative energies that only Women have. American Indian belief is that Woman has an automatic connection to the "Great Spirit" or "Great Mystery" because of the ability to bear Life.

beautiful image.

- Done in fractal software, Photoshop and some touch of arcsoft media. My only challenge is that can I ever repeat it again? My answer is not sure. It was done on experiments with no concrete basis at all.


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