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Art Show: Crowns

Queen among the Minions

by Alma Lee

Banner for Crowns art show

Art: Queen among the Minions by Artist Alma Lee
She was not queen
the minions knew
until that one moment
when it all ensued
she was one of them
lower than most
mock, belittled tormented
to the edge of sanity....almost
though filthy and tattered she
believed in "fairy tales"
we mocked till it came to be
in the twinkling of an eye
The King of all, called her
and beckoned her to the sky
before lost minions He crowned her
who knew why
What was story she tried to tell
I questioned how it started but the ending's sure
to her beloved she rises at the truth we are felled

This is an original oil painting on stretched canvas, 16x20".

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Queen among the Minions

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Detail Image for art Queen among the Minions


Detail Image for art Queen among the Minions

crown -cupcc.jpg


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