I have even written a website, tao-astrology.com, click here about this wonderful ancient study.
There are 64 hexagrams in the I Ching. They represent the changes one faces during the course of life.
Qian is the first hexagram. It is a special one because it is pure "yang". It is the most vibrant and it means "Initiating", Creation, the beginning of all that exists...
Confucius describes qian as thus:
"Vast indeed is the greatness of the Initiating...
It is the source of all beings.
And regulates all creations under Heaven.
Clouds flow and rain falls.
All beings complete their forms.
Greatly luminious from beginning to the end
Each of the six stages completes itself in its own time,
As mounting on six dragons soring in the sky..."
Why do I learn the I Ching?
Well, Confucius words when he was already 70yrs old:
"If some years were added to my life, I would dedicate fifty years to study the Book of I. and then I might come to be without great fault."
The taoist concept of creation was thought out thousands of years before Christianity. It's ideology is relevant till today.
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