This is a digitally restored image of a pencil drawing I did back in the Middle Ages. The original concept for the drawing was to do an unconventional image of the sun but as the work progressed it became more symbolically attuned to the celestial life cycle - the cycle from beginning to end to beginning again.
I see this as appropriate for the theme "Creation Myth".
Many of the easily recognized images within this piece have two meanings. The tree on the left is also a waterfall. The leaves are also fish, stylized to be certain. The piece also encompasses the seasonal cycles having areas that represent spring, summer, fall and winter. Had I ever recreated this piece in full color the seasonal representation would have been far more obvious.
I've always had a great fondness for this piece. It was created during a time when I was really just beginning to understand myself and often pondered the meaning of the universe and my place within it.
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