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Art Show: Creation Myths

After the Bang

by Elizabeth Fiedel

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Art: After the Bang by Artist Elizabeth Fiedel

The current creation myth says that an explosion in space was the Beginning. Our earth was formed from the debris of that "Big Bang", and over millions (billions?) of years the planet cooled and was mostly covered with water. In the water were all the chemical elements needed for 'life', and eventually a lightening bolt was the catalyst that caused some clumps of these chemical molecules to combine and form the first simple life forms, or protoplasm. Over time the protoplasm diversified and evolved into all the life forms on earth.

So, is that explanation any more or less believeable than other creation stories? I don't know. Like other creation myths, it leaves many loose ends and unanswered questions. In the present day, we call this a theory rather than a myth, but future generations may have a different take on it. Each culture seeks to find an explanation that suits the time and place.

My painting depicts what those early organisms -the ancestors of all life on earth- may have looked like in a droplet of water from the primal sea.



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