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Art Show: The Cow Show

Oreo Cookie Cows

by Kim Domino

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Art: Oreo Cookie Cows by Artist Kim Domino
Oreo cookie cows really do exist! Properly called Galloway Belted Cattle, these cows look as if they are wearing a belt, thus the nick name "Belties" or "Oreo Cookie Cows." Once you see real live Belties, they enchant you for life. Surely they stand out on the grazing hills here in California. Their fashionable white belts make them a memorable sight. I just had to paint these whimsical cows to spread the word that oreo cookie cows are not make believe! Originally hailing from Scotland, these Galloway Belted Cows are hearty and sweet natured and really fun to paint!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Oreo Cookie Cows

Detail Image for art Oreo Cookie Cows

Detail Image for art Oreo Cookie Cows


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