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Art Show: Cat & Mouse


by Alma Lee

Banner for Cat & Mouse art show
Prizes for this exhibit:
Custom Stickers from StickerYou

StickerYou is awarding the Member's Choice winner of this exhibit with a coupon for $50 of free stickers to use on the best platform for making custom die-cut stickers.

Art: SEEIN RED KITTY(sold) by Artist Alma Lee
Kitty anger can be swift and brutal...but never is it without warning! You know the look, the stance, and the hiss. It is little known however that kitty also goes red, just for a split second...if your watching for it it is already to late! About this piece: Size: 5.5x8.5 Sub strait: acid free recycled drawing paper Media: Color pencil, and marker Style: Modern Cubism, abstract, representational ORIGINAL STATUS: AVAILABLE FROM ARTIST


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