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Art Show: Bodice Ripper

the Jack of Hearts

by john christopher borrero

Banner for Bodice Ripper art show

Art: the Jack of Hearts by Artist john christopher borrero

Lucas had tended the gardens outside of Mariela's window since she was a child.

His presence had always made her feel safe. As a gawky adolescent, she would visit with him in the garden, and he would give her a rose to take with her. Then, with a pat on her head, he would send her back into the house and out of the dust and dirt.

But now she was a woman. And all of that had changed.

Now, from her window she noticed his strong tanned arms, and his manly brow. As she watched him work she saw how his hair caressed his brawny cheek, and formed droplets of sweat around his pink lips. She stared as he gently worked his hands into the moist ground, opening the soil gently … holding the small tulip bulbs and rubbing them softly, masterfully between his fingers …

While she struggled to look away, she looked up to find him returning her gaze. At once, she felt herself redden and moved herself out of the window. But it was too late. She had seen it there on his face as plainly as it had been on hers… his hungry eyes had called out to her… needing her… beckoning.

And Mariela felt, with all of her soul, that she was ready to respond. .................................................................................................... This was me having some fun. This was created for the Bodice Ripper show... it is a collage of different photographs that I've taken, digitally altered.

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