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Art Show: Bodice Ripper

Theirs Was a Love Like No Other

by Lindi Levison

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Art: Theirs Was a Love Like No Other by Artist Lindi Levison
They knew it was a forbidden love, almost immoral, yet they could not resist temptation. They were magically drawn to each other, a sort of... animal magnetism. She loved his wet kisses. He loved the way she purred when he rubbed her back. She would sit on the back fence every night, waiting for him to appear out of the darkness... waiting for his powerful embrace. She could not bear the daylight hours spent without him, so she slept all day long, only waking now and then for a small morsel of food. He called her on special occasions. He would never admit it (for whatever reason), but she knew it was him, because all she could hear on the other end of the line was... panting. Yes, theirs was a very special love. Not a puppy love, no... Theirs Was a Love Like No Other.

--As you might guess, I am not a big fan of romance novels or soap operas. It is my (subjective) opinion that they border on ridiculous, so I opted for a "tongue in cheek" representation. I love animals, and I thought mixed species would be an appropriate way to convey "forbidden love", a theme so often replayed in romance novels.

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Detail - Edges Painted


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