Samantha Lane's life had changed dramtically over the past few years. She had found it hard to function without her beloved Anthony. He had been her heart and soul. Until he found "his" new heart and soul with his new secratary, Diana.
Will she ever be over him? "God help him he had slipped, it was not his fault he was a man right? He would come back"....she kept telling herself.
Until he told her of their engagement last week.
Samantha had to get away. She got on the first flight to anywhere. She found herself in a rented guest house surrounded by a tropical paradise. There she would paint, maybe collect shells, and most importantly, she secretly hoped that she would learn to FEEL again... feel something... anything. Maybe she would stay for a few months... but could she stay alone for such a long time?
After the first days of being alone, she ventures out to explore the island. She never expected a brusque young diving instructor to ever notice her, much less find her attractive. She never thought that she might actually ENJOY having another man look at her again.
Who would have expected that on this little island, that she would once again learn to feel what it was to be ...a woman? ..
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