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Art Show: Blue Flowers

Forget-Me-Nots - Sold

by Patricia Lee Christensen

Banner for Blue Flowers art show

Art: Forget-Me-Nots - Sold by Artist Patricia  Lee Christensen
These bright blue dainty little flowers are a nostalgic favorite.  This grouping of flowers grew in my garden this past Spring and I wanted to capture the quiet cheer they radiated.  This painting is sold.  I have many more paintings in my Etsy Shop.  I have these forget-me-nots offered in the form of an Artist Trading Card in my shop too.

Thank you for looking and contact me with any questions or requests.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Forget-Me-Nots - Sold

Display suggestion

Detail Image for art Forget-Me-Nots - Sold

Framing suggestion


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