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Art Show: Beatles: Ripples into the 21st Century

Prospectus and Entry Instructions

Exhibit Entries accepted from 10/1/2001 to 10/31/2001.

Banner for Beatles: Ripples into the 21st Century art show


BEATLES: RIPPLES INTO THE 21ST CENTURY sought artistic evidence of the stone that John, Paul, Ringo, and George skipped on the surface of popular culture four decades ago. Whether one loves or hates the Fab Four, no one can dispute that they have had an impact he world over that is still apparent 21 years after their breakup. Artists submitted works directly influenced by the Beatles phenomena--a witty take on a lyric, a lavish interpretation of a song, automatistic painting while under the direct influence of the white album. While portraits were welcome, preference will be given to those pieces exploring the Beatle's music and mystique as it pertains to the 21st century.

This is a Juried Show

Juror: Amie R. Gillingham

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