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Art Show: B&W Portraits: A Juried Photography Show


by Patience

Banner for B&W Portraits: A Juried Photography Show art show

Art: Autumn by Artist Patience
A photographic portrait of my daughter, Autumn.

Using my Canon PowerShot A75 digital camera, we took this outside our home. I used relatively little photo editing after uploading -- B and W filter, a bit of cropping, and a small touch of highlight/shadow balancing....

When deciding to take my daughter's portrait, I knew exactly where I wanted to photograph her -- on her swing. It hangs in the side yard of our property, from a mulberry branch. My father made and put it up for us shortly after my family bought and moved into our first house when my daughter was 3. She's now 11, and has spent many happy hours swinging from it over the years. It does feel like a true token of her childhood....

(For more photos from this session, please visit my portfolio)


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