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Art Show: The Art of the Art Journal

Back To School

by Cynthia Gaub

Banner for The Art of the Art Journal art show

Art: Back To School by Artist Cynthia  Gaub
First in a series of twelve

~September 2008~ Back to School This month is about fresh starts. New school supplies, Back to school clothes, new ideas for lesson plans and a fresh group of kids. A sense of excitement and refreshment after a long break. But ready to get back in the swing of things. Ready to learn, ready to share, ready to teach, I am an art teacher and Ready to Reach

The Beaded Journal Project is a year long challenge that asks participants to create a fabric journal page for each month that captures the experience of that month, for the artist. We began this journey in September 2008. I chose to create a shrine style page with the concept of a sculptural book that would both stand and have doors that opened onto the beaded pages. The project has gone through different phases of development and is not yet complete. Finishing a project of this nature (hiding the stitching, making all surfaces presentable) is turning out to be a challenge. This is the first time I have done beaded artwork on this level. I am excited about what I have learned so far.

Each shrine page will close with a tied ribbon and the back will have a written statement about the piece. Each piece is machine quilted using a variety of printed, batik, and hand-painted fabrics, then embellished with ribbon, lace, trim and beads. The beads are glass beads in many sizes, shapes and types.

You can follow and read more about this series on my blog Sheba Kitty Productions

The Backs Beaded Journal Project first 3 months ~backs~

tied closed fronts Beaded Journal Project first 3 months ~closed~

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Back To School


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