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Art Show: The Art of the Art Journal

Journal - Our Silent Procession - Flower Petals & Pencil -

by Marcine (Marcy) Dillon

Banner for The Art of the Art Journal art show

Art: Journal - Our Silent Procession - Flower Petals & Pencil -  by Artist Marcine (Marcy) Dillon
For the past four years I've been pressing and drying flowers and leaves. These iris and daffodil petals fused to the paper, something I've been experimenting and playing with. Combining my imagination and the flower petals I came up with these lovely faerie's and a dragonfly. The "Silent Procession" tag was attached to something I had purchased. It fits so nicely with my two "strolling faeries" on the bottom of the page.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Journal - Our Silent Procession - Flower Petals & Pencil -

Detail Image for art Journal - Our Silent Procession - Flower Petals & Pencil -

Detail Image for art Journal - Our Silent Procession - Flower Petals & Pencil -


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