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Art Show: Alphabet: Typography Incorporated into Art

Trip #19 (sold)

by Judy Watt

Banner for Alphabet: Typography Incorporated into Art art show

Art: Trip #19 (sold) by Artist Judy Watt
This is #19 in a series of 52 pieces in my "52 Trips Around The Sun" project. Found text is used for the background of the sun - the definition of "Pacific" from an old dictionary dropped in my lap one day as I was working on this series of pieces. I see the Pacific Ocean from my windows every day, and I walk on the beaches nearby all the time. The ocean and the sun mark the seasons for me, and so the sun became the theme for this series. Having a bit of found text with my beloved "Pacific" fall into my lap one day as I was painting, I couldn't resist incorporating the text into one of these pieces.


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