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Art Show: Alphabet: Typography Incorporated into Art

Draconis SOLD

by Cathy (Kate) Johnson

Banner for Alphabet: Typography Incorporated into Art art show

Art: Draconis SOLD by Artist Cathy  (Kate) Johnson
I have always had a feeling for dragons, since I was a child--and judging from the many "coincidences" that occur concerning these mythical/mystical beasts perhaps it is mutual. This one combines dragons both real and imaginary, ancient and new, from alchemical texts to 18th-century French natural history books to my own drawings and constructions. A seal of the sort once used to seal ancient documents bears a dragon stamp...there are stories within stories here, and literary references as well. One dragon appeared in a book on alchemy by Mircea Eliade--beneath that image is lettered "Merci, Mircea--mercy!".

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Draconis SOLD

Draconis detail


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