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Art Show: Alphabet: Typography Incorporated into Art

Dancing Tulip_vlr128

by Vicki Louise Ross

Banner for Alphabet: Typography Incorporated into Art art show

Art: Dancing Tulip_vlr128 by Artist Vicki Louise Ross
This piece was created for a friend who is undergoing her second round of chemotheraphy. The verse, however, strikes a chord for any of us...we all have challenges that knock us to our knees. The verse was on a print given to me by my friends, Diane (author unknown), and the tulip was a photograph I took one sunny day. Diane felt, and I agree, this verse was appropriate for me, descriptively condensing the feelings I have since the death of my daughter, Sarah in a Christmas morning fire, 2001. Raindrops or tears?

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Dancing Tulip_vlr128

Close-up of Mini-Print, Mounted

Detail Image for art Dancing Tulip_vlr128

Detail of Verse

Detail Image for art Dancing Tulip_vlr128

Detail of Water Drop


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