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Art Show: Alphabet: Typography Incorporated into Art


by Marina Owens

Banner for Alphabet: Typography Incorporated into Art art show

Art: Crow-N by Artist Marina Owens
pronounced: (kro-in)

I have always been intrigued by etimology. The latin I studied in school must have had an impact on me because as I began to learn English I took notice to how many words derived from latin. Not only did this help to understand the meanings of words better, but it also gave rise to this interest of mine.
Now I often find myself analyzing words. I like to "break them down" by concentrating on how other words can be put together to form one word. I really enjoy dissecting words and then visualizing them with pictures like the "Crow-N" (=a crow IN a crown).

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Crow-N

Detail Image for art Crow-N

Detail Image for art Crow-N

photographed with flash


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