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Art Show: Alice in Wonderland

OOAK Mad Hatter and Alice in Steampunk Wonderland Altered Art FUNKY Earring

by Amethyst Lobster

Banner for Alice in Wonderland art show

Art: OOAK Mad Hatter and Alice in Steampunk Wonderland Altered Art FUNKY Earring by Artist Amethyst Lobster
I've been creating a collection of jewelry based on Alice in Wonderland. These earrings are made of paper, vintage plastic belt buckles, cathedral beads, brass wire that I oxidized and sterling silver ear wires, which I also oxidized. The earrings hang 2.5 inches. The back is covered with antique text. These are very lightweight.These are OOAK (one of a kind) earrings. I have other vintage belt buckles, but no more in this fantastic red and yellow swirl.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art OOAK Mad Hatter and Alice in Steampunk Wonderland Altered Art FUNKY Earring

The back of the earrings

Detail Image for art OOAK Mad Hatter and Alice in Steampunk Wonderland Altered Art FUNKY Earring

Earrings arrive in gift box for no extra charge


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