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Art Show: Alice Walker Illustrated

Celie's Story: The Sun Will Rise

by john christopher borrero

Banner for Alice Walker Illustrated art show
Prizes for this exhibit:
An anonymous donor

An anonymous donor is awarding the Members' Choice winner $200 CASH!

Art: Celie's Story: The Sun Will Rise by Artist john christopher borrero

This piece was made specifically for the Alice Walker show.  Although I've read several of her pieces, my greatest inspiration from Alice Walker comes from the unforgettable characters portrayed in the Color Purple. In particular, Celie's character resonated for me.  Hers is a story of a woman born into a situation beyond her ability to navigate. She is a woman who struggles to find a life of dignity and pride, while being told that she is ugly and not as valuable as others.  In this struggle, she grows old, but ultimately finds herself. To honor that complex journey, I wanted to portray a character with a range of emotion... a nuanced character, who shows both strength, vulnerability, beauty and "lovableness" in her very imperfect situation.

I wrote a poem to accompany the piece. It is called:

"Celie s Story:  The Sun Will Rise"

The sun will rise for ugly girls,

Who, hearing they're unlovable,

Learn fast their place within the world!

The sun will rise, the sun will rise!

For girls who marry helpless men,

And tend their homes compliantly,

But lose their childhood dreams to them,

The sun will rise, the sun will rise!

For women who place saddened songs,

Between the darkened church-house pews,

For other girls to sit upon,

The sun will rise, the sun will rise!

For tough old gals who know their fears,

And cling to hope's meandering path,

Whose stride is strong despite their years,

The sun will rise, the sun will rise!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Celie's Story: The Sun Will Rise

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Detail Image for art Celie's Story: The Sun Will Rise

celie detail 2.jpg

Detail Image for art Celie's Story: The Sun Will Rise

celie pic.jpg


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