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Art Show: Off The Walls: The 3D Show

Mr. Banglestrutter

by Lindi Levison

Banner for Off The Walls: The 3D Show art show

Art: Mr. Banglestrutter by Artist Lindi Levison
I had some blue/turquoise cane left over that I had made up for some buttons. There is a "sun" pattern in the cane. At the same time, I had formed this little penguin's body but he still needed "clothes". So I thought, why not use the left over cane? And that's how Mr. Banglestrutter was born. He sleeps on my shelf by day. At night, he's up, twisting and turning in front of the mirror, trying to find his "knees".

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Mr. Banglestrutter

Detail Image for art Mr. Banglestrutter

Detail Image for art Mr. Banglestrutter


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