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Art Show: 21st Century Still Life

Violin with Orange Slices

by C. k. Agathocleous

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Art: Violin with Orange Slices by Artist C. k. Agathocleous
(private collection) I paint directly (alla prima) in oil, observing from life. I put a spotlight on the objects, both literally and metaphorically, in order to see better unique attributes and relationships. Each brushstroke must carry a specific meaning and reflect the relationships discovered. The final product is the result of intimate interaction and careful choices about what's most important. A fresh, spontaneous and honest painting is usually the result.

The objects I paint are personal, chosen because they are a part of my everyday life and as such are ripe for the conveyance of meaning. The scale of the paintings is small. You can hold them in your hands. They are accessible, like the everyday objects they depict. The compositions or arrangements of the objects are attempts at bringing a sort of personal order into being.

At its best, this method of painting results in a piece which carries within it the spirituality inherent in everyday existence.


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