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Art Show: 21st Century Still Life

Strange Fruit

by Christine Wasankari

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Art: Strange Fruit by Artist Christine Wasankari
"Still life in the 21st century? First of all, I am thankful to BE an artist in the 21st century and for more reasons than may be the obvious. Technological advances have made our work much easier in some ways and more dependant in others. This said, I decided I really needed to focus on the fact that if it were not for these advances and the advent of the camera in particular, we as artist's would still be stuck painting portraits, still-life's and landscapes as a means of record rather than a means of expression.

The major movements in art in the last century have been exceptional in that it has allowed the artist to step outside the boundaries of realistic for recording purposes and to explore our own nature as artist's if we are so inclined. The sky is the limit and in so many cases we as artist's will study and compose quite subjectively when given half a chance.

I chose to paint in a much more abstract, cubist style for this very reason rather than come up with a contrived 21st century scene. I considered a scene that spoke of today's latch key children, computers, techno junkie stuff but thought, "Hey, who am I as an artist in the 21st century?" I am not into portraying any sort of political statement on our "times", I want to explore and to learn and to continue to grow until the day I can no longer pick up a brush. Thanks to very advances I will not paint into my still life, I have the freedom to paint what ever I choose, however I choose to do so, with out supreme or extreme judgment. I am free to be me...This painting "Strange Fruit" is the result." ~~ Christine Wasankari


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