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Art Show: One-Word Concept: Music

SOLD - My Guitar - A Dedication

by Shawn Marie Hardy

Banner for One-Word Concept: Music art show

Art: SOLD - My Guitar - A Dedication by Artist Shawn Marie Hardy
Besides being an artist I also play guitar. I'm not a great player, in fact, not even that good really. But one day I picked it up and someone showed me a few chords and away I went from there. I have since become a better bass guitarist, but I still have my lovely Taylor acoustic and sometimes I sit and play around on it for hours.

This guitar is NOT my Taylor though. This guitar was my very first one, a Yamaha, and it was given to me by an old boyfriend. I ended up giving it to a young friend of mine who wanted to take up guitar when I needed to upgrade. I hope she either still has it, or passed it on to another music lover.

There will never be a time when I am not surrounded by music and as long as my hands still work, I will continue to play and sing.

This piece was done with pencil and charcoal on paper. I used Photoshop to turn it blue.


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