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Art Show: One Word Concept: Motion

"Wind Power in Atlantic City" or Green Motion

by Theodora Demetriades

Banner for One Word Concept: Motion art show

Art: Wind Power in Atlantic City or Green Motion by Artist Theodora Demetriades
Probably one of my favorite green power pieces.....along the Atlantic City Expressway these clean power new fashioned wind mills decorate the landscape. At first it was a bit hard to get used to the site of these huge towers but when you think about the promise of clean energy you begin to see them with a different eye...they are starting to look quite beautiful. Now if only I could power my own home with solar energy. Anyway this is my idea of pure poetry in motion!! This piece is done on Arches 140 lb. hot press watercolor paper using Winsor Newton and Sennlier watercolors and brushes.


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