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Art Show: One Word Concept: Motion

Guided By Voices - Kevin's Jump

by Shawn Marie Hardy

Banner for One Word Concept: Motion art show

Art: Guided By Voices - Kevin's Jump by Artist Shawn Marie Hardy
Guided by Voices was one of the best rock bands of all time. They broke up on New Year's Eve, 2004. The lineup changed over their 20+ year career, and aside from their fearless leader, Robert Pollard, the band boasted some excellent musicians like Tobin Sprout, Mitch Mitchell (not Jimi Hendrix's Mitch), Jim MacPherson, Don Thrasher, Doug Gillard, & the drummer featured here, Kevin March.

This was a fine moment - after Kevin hit the drums for the last time he did this jump and I happened to capture it with a disposable camera. I had never seen him do anything like it before, nor did I after. I'm one lucky girl.

As mentioned, this was shot with a Kodak disposable - no effects - I'm sure the flash must have gone off. But its still pretty sweet.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Guided By Voices - Kevin's Jump

Kevin's jump detail


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