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Art Show: One-Word Concept: Deconstructed

Transformation: a Self -portrait

by Virginia Ann Zuelsdorf

Banner for One-Word Concept: Deconstructed art show

Art: Transformation: a Self -portrait by Artist Virginia Ann Zuelsdorf
The word "deconstruction"comes from the French Philosopher, Jacques Derrida and was originally used in interpreting text or writing. It's easier to define what deconstruction isn't than to define what it is.

It's not repetitiive, not a method, and has no rules. As applied to works of art, I believe that this is because individual parts can only be understood in the context of the painting.

This is a self-portrait. I'm not old, but I already feel the ravages of age on my body. With chronic pain, you see your body parts differently. The deterioration may be random but each painful part of the body affects the other parts and together the.overall body/mind pain.

I'm also bipolar, which explains the mask of a deer skull. as in my mind, I'm still 17 and can do anything. So I try my best to make these disadvantages into advantages.

One can only fight to slow or stop our own deconstruction.

The painting is on masonite, which has been framed on the back with edges painted, so it is ready to hang. The frame edges are about one and a half inches wide.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Transformation: a Self -portrait

Detail Image for art Transformation: a Self -portrait

Detail Image for art Transformation: a Self -portrait


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