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Art Show: One-Word Concept: Deconstructed


by Virginia Ann Zuelsdorf

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Art: Running by Artist Virginia Ann Zuelsdorf
I love the elegant simplicity of this painting. This to me explempifies the act and spirit of running. It just works. You can't predict which elements will come together and to deconstruct this piece would be meaningless to me. It's already deconstructed and cannot go any further.Every componet belongs, it is a whole.

It originated in Photoshop and I challenged myself to improve on the altered photograth. I believe that I succeeded; the depth of the piece cannot be appreciated in a 2 dimensional photograph.

For some time I have been fascinated with looking through frameworks, probably because of my photography background. I wanted the viewer to feel the contrast between hard and soft, warm and cold as expressed through the colors. I want to make you feel as if this is a door through which your imagination can carry you.

You can also view or interpret this painting in other ways: I composed it so that it can be hung any one of four ways, each one offering a completely different interpretation. As in many of my other paintings, I use a diagonal composition . The technique used in this painting is mulitple glazing to add depth and richness of color.

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