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Art Show: One-Word Concept: Deconstructed

Deceptively Simple

by Diane G. Casey

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Art: Deceptively Simple by Artist Diane G. Casey

Deceptively Simple

This piece measures approximately 16x20x.75". I call it "Deceptively Simple" because upon first glance, it does look rather simple to create. However, it was not simple, and a lot of steps were taken to get to the final outcome. Read on and I'll "deconstruct" it for you...

The technique used in creating this was as follows: First, I created the texture, by slathering on texture paste all over the entire canvas. Then I painted the whole canvas black. (Colors show up more intensely on black backgrounds and I wanted the colors to be intense here).

I then layered on the swatches of color, one at a time, letting areas of the black canvas peek through the colors for an organic efffect. For the blue rectangle, I mixed in a little bit of flourescent blue with the primary blue, to make it really "pop". I love how this color field turned out.

The green area has a little bit of yellow mixed in with it for a bit of broken color. The dark red or maroon area has a pinkish-beige square on top of that with alot of the maroon (and black area underneath) peeking through that for added interest.

Finally, there's the buttermilk creamy vertical area on the right side. There's a lot of black spots peeking through there as well, and I added even more black specks to enhance the organic feel of the piece.

The canvas sides are painted black and the entire piece varnished for uniformity, and color enhancement and protection.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Deceptively Simple


Detail Image for art Deceptively Simple

Angled View

Detail Image for art Deceptively Simple

How it might look with furniture


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