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Art Show: One-Word Concept: Deconstructed


by Jacqueline Swann

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Art: Fibonacci by Artist Jacqueline Swann
This is an Original Painting by contemporary Canadian abstract artist Jacqueline Swann.

I am a self-taught artist who takes inspiration from nature. I almost exclusively use a stone-like effect in all of my paintings.

A fossil is a great example of nature's own form of deconstruction. Nature, through time and a long myriad of processes, will take a living organism and reduce it to its most basic physical structure.

I was inspired to paint an impression of a shell fossil when I found an ammolite fossil in a delivery of landscape gravel.

In creating this painting I used a textured medium  to create the highly textured stone-like surface. This, in conjunction with a combination of acrylic colours and mica pigments, led to the highly metallic iridescent sheen that is reminiscent of the characteristics of ammolite.

This painting is both signed and dated.


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