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Art Show: One-Word Concept: Bokeh

Butterfly and Sunflowers ~ Bokeh

by Patricia Lee Christensen

Banner for One-Word Concept: Bokeh art show

Art: Butterfly and Sunflowers ~ Bokeh by Artist Patricia  Lee Christensen
My grand daughter and I were viewing a large field of wild sunflowers. I noticed a large butterfly that was perfectly camouflaged as it landed upon a sunflower. We waited until it moved and flew on before we could spy it again.

I checked my butterfly reference book and it may have been a Scudder's Patched Butterfly common in the desert and prairies of the Southwest. That is the reference I used to paint this beautiful flying flower to remember our moment of appreciation of this late summer's visual treat.

I have digitally manipulated my painting for the 'bokeh' effect... This was a fun challenge. The original unaltered acrylic painting is available at my Etsy shop.

Thanks for looking.

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Butterfly and Sunflowers ~ Bokeh


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