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Award Winning Art from Past EBSQ Exhibits

French Quarter Reflections - SOLD

by Diane Millsap

Art: French Quarter Reflections - SOLD by Artist Diane Millsap
THANKS TO THE MEMBERS WHO VOTED FOR THIS PAINTING IN THE "LATE SHOW"! This paintings was originally intended for the June 2005 "Reflections" Show. On a rainy night in the French Quarter, color still blazes and dances as it relects in the sidewalks and streets. The reflection of city lights is one of my favorite subjects. It is amazing to me how few brush strokes it requires to indicate a reflection. (The less the better, it seems.) The viewer's brain just fills in the lack of detail. In this painting I dutifully painted the buildings, painted the sidewalks and streets gold, and then applied the darker reflection strokes in a downward motion. That was the fun part!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art French Quarter Reflections - SOLD


Detail Image for art French Quarter Reflections - SOLD



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