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Standing on a Beach (sold)

by Virginia Ann Zuelsdorf

Surrealism Art Gallery

Art: Standing on a Beach (sold) by Artist Virginia Ann Zuelsdorf
This painting is an original just finished in my Orlando, Florida studio in November 2007.

It measures 36 inches high by 24 inches wide. The medium is acrylic on canvas. The painting is based upon a photograph I took in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It was early winter and there was a coldness in the air. The rock formations are carved out by the storms of Lake Superior in the winter.I've been told that winds can reach speeds of 100 mph or more.

The woman, who represents myself, belongs there.

You might also see that my husky, Blue, is in the painting if you look closely.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Standing on a Beach (sold)

Detail Image for art Standing on a Beach (sold)

Detail Image for art Standing on a Beach (sold)


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